Hi a few months ago I wrote an article to Baha'i Canada about my blog and what I wrote is my inspiration is about doing this blog and I asked them if they could write something about my blog and they did.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Sunday, 9 December 2012
We day
I just went to We day and I heard and learned many amazing things. I saw some famous people like martin sheen and shawn desmond. Then I heard that 1,000,000,000 people live without clean water and if you donate 2,500 penny's that will supply clean water for someone. Why pennies because in Canada the government stopped making penny's so that means that there worthless to us but not the 1,000,000,000 people without clean water. So if you can find penny's under your couch or anywhere donate.This is one thing I learned about we day I will tell you many more later on.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
The Rock of Faith
Rock of Faith
A man was sleeping at night in his
cabin when suddenly he heard a Voice that trembled like the thunder. It was
God’s voice and He told the man He had work for him to do. He showed the man a
large rock in front of his cabin. God explained that the man was to push against
the rock with all his might. This the man did, day after day. For many years he
toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold,
massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his
Each night the man returned to his
cabin sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain.
Seeing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, Satan decided to enter
the picture by placing thoughts into the man’s weary
“You have been pushing against that rock for a long time, and it hasn’t
budged. Why kill yourself over this? You are never going to move
Thus he gave the man the impression
that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts
discouraged and disheartened the man.
“Why kill myself
over this?” the man thought. “I’ll just put in my time, giving just the minimum
effort and that will be good enough.”
And that was his plan, until one day
he decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled thoughts to
“God”, he said, “I
have labored long and hard in Your service, putting all
my strength to do that which You have asked, yet all this time, I have not even
budged that rock by half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I
God responded
“My friend, when I asked you to
serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task
was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never
once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push.
And now you come to Me, with your strength spent,
thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your
arms are strong and muscled, your back sinewed and brown, your hands are callused from constant
pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard. Through opposition you
have grown much, and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet
you haven’t moved the rock.
your calling was to be obedient and to push, and to exercise your faith and
trust in My Wisdom.
This you have done. I, My
friend, will now move the rock!”
Friday, 9 November 2012
Heart to heart encouragement
Heart to
Heart Encouragement
Jean Thompson stood in front of her fifth-grade class
on the very first day of school in the Fall and told the children a lie. Like
most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the
same, that she would treat them all alike. But that was really impossible
because there in front of her, slumped in his seat on the third row, was a boy
named Teddy Stoddard.
Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and
noticed he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were
unkempt and that he constantly needed a bath. And Teddy was unpleasant. It got
to the point during the first few months that she would actually take delight in
marking his papers with a broad red pen, making bold X’s and then marking the F
at the top of the paper biggest of all. Because Teddy was a sullen little boy,
no one else seemed to enjoy him either.
At the school were Mrs. Thompson taught, she was
required to review each child’s records and she put Teddy’s off until last. When she opened his file, she was in for
a surprise. His first-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is a bright, inquisitive child
with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and has good manners….he is a joy to
be around.” His second-grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is an excellent student
well-liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because his mother has a
terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.” His third-grade teacher
wrote, “Teddy continues to work hard, but his mother’s death has been hard on
him. He tries to do his best but his father doesn’t show much interest and his
home life will soon affect him if some steps aren’t taken.” Teddy’s fourth-grade
teacher wrote, “Teddy is withdrawn and doesn’t show much interest in school. He
doesn’t have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class. He is tardy and could
become a problem.”
By now Mrs. Thompson realized the problem, but
Christmas was coming fast. It was all she could do, with the school play and
all, until the day before the holidays began and she was suddenly forced to
focus on Teddy Stoddard. Her children brought her presents, all in ribbon
and bright paper, except for Teddy’s, which was clumsily wrapped in the heavy,
brown paper of a scissored grocery bag. Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in
the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she
found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that
was one-quarter full of cologne. She stifled the children’s laughter when she
exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the
perfume behind the other wrist. Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to
say, “Mrs. Thompson, oh Mrs. Thompson, you smell just like my
After the children left she cried for at least an
hour. On that very day, she quit teaching reading and writing and speaking.
Instead, she began to teach children. Jean Thompson paid particular attention to
one they all called “Teddy”. As she worked with him, his mind seemed to come
alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he responded. On days there would
be an important test, Mrs. Thompson would remember that cologne. By the end of
the year he had become one of the smartest children in the class and….well, he
had also become the “pet” of the teacher who had once vowed to love all of her
children exactly the same.
A year later she found a note under her door, from
Teddy, telling her that of all the teachers he’d had in elementary school, she
was his favorite. Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He
then wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was
still his favorite teacher of all time. Four years after that, she got another
letter, saying that while things had been tough at times, he’d stayed in school,
had stuck with it, and would graduate from college with the highest of honors.
He assured Mrs. Thompson she was still his favorite teacher. Then four more
years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he
got his bachelor’s degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter
explained that she was still his favorite teacher but that now his name was a
little longer. The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard,
We Day
Saturday, 27 October 2012
A Story of Encouragement
Story of Encouragement-
A group of frogs were traveling
through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs
gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two
frogs that they were as good as dead.
The two frogs ignored the comments
and tried to jump up out of the pit with all of their might. The other frogs
kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as
Finally one of the frogs took heed
to what the other frogs were saying and gave up! He fell down and died. The
other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs
yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally
made it out.
When he got out, the other frogs
said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He
thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
Monday, 22 October 2012
hidden words
Ye are My treasury, for in you I have treasured the pearls of My mysteries and the gems of My knowledge. Guard them from the strangers amidst My servants and from the ungodly amongst My people.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Racial Prejudice speech
I found this speech about racial prejudice I hope you like it.
Racial prejudice is most challenging issue. The oneness of humanity Is the central
teaching of the Baha’i Faith and the goal of
human existence on this planet. To reach this
goal, we will have to make many changes in our society. Our peace and
prosperity depend on it. If we don’t change, we will face many dangers.
The key is fellowship between black and white. Both are responsible. Education
is the fastest way to achieve this goal. We offer the example of the Baha’i community as a model.
Baha’is believe that the oneness of mankind is necessary for a
peaceful world. In fact, the Baha’I Faith
revolves around race unity it is our main purpose of being on earth.the responsibility for race unity rests on both black
and white eliminating their prejudice and trying to be unified.
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
How my trip was
On the weekend I was at a campus called Louhelen and I learned a lot there. I learned a lot about the bahai teachings and the tablet of the Divine plan and why we use it.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
The first day of school, our professor introduced
himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I
stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around
to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up
her entire being. She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven
years old. Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically
responded, "Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze.
"Why are you in college at such a young,
innocent age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a
rich husband, get married, have a couple of
kids." "No seriously," I asked. I was curious what may have
motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age. "
I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting
one!" she told me.
After class we walked to the student union building
and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. Every
day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk non-stop.
I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she
shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus
icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and
she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was
living it up.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak
at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was
introduced and stepped up to the podium. As she began to deliver her prepared
speech, she dropped her three by five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a
little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, "I'm
sorry I'm so jittery. I gave up beer for Lent and this whiskey is killing me!
I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I
As we laughed she cleared her throat and began,
"We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop
playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy,
and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got
to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people
walking around who are dead and don't even know it!
There is a huge difference between growing older and
growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't
do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven
years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn
eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability.
The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no
regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for
things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with
regrets." She concluded her speech by courageously singing "The
Rose." She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in
our daily lives.
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree
she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died
peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her
funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never
too late to be all you can possibly be.
These words have been passed along in loving memory
of ROSE.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Attitude is everything
Attitude is Everything
Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, “If I were any better, I would be twins!”
He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, “I don’t get it! You can’t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?”
Jerry replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, “Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.” I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.”
“Yeah, right, it’s not that easy,” I protested.
“Yes it is,” Jerry said. “Life is all abou choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situraiton is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choodse how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: “It’s your choice how you live life.”
I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it. Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body. I saw Jerry about six months after the accident.
When I asked him how he was, he replied, “If I were any better, I’d be twins. Wanna see may scars?”
I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.
The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door,” Jerry replied. “Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live.
“Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?” I asked.
Jerry continued, “The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, “He’s a dead man.” I knew I needed to take action.”
“What did you do?” I asked,
“Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,” said Jerry. “She asked if I was allergic to anything. “Yes,” I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply…. I took a deep breath and yelled, “Bullets!” Over their laughter, I told them, “I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead”.
Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
How my junior youth was/Hidden Words
Today is not my usual day for my junior youth class but today I tried out another class and see what they teach and how they get kids to join. It was a good experience I enjoyed it a lot.
Thy heart is My home; sanctify it for My descent. Thy spirit is My place of revelation; cleanse it for My manifestation.
Today is not my usual day for my junior youth class but today I tried out another class and see what they teach and how they get kids to join. It was a good experience I enjoyed it a lot.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Hidden Words
Bestow My wealth upon My poor, that in heaven thou mayest draw from stores of unfading splendor and treasures of imperishable glory. But by My life! To offer up thy soul is a more glorious thing couldst thou but see with Mine eye.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Hidden Words
Today I was looking at another Hidden Words and I found this one and it really made me think like the last Hidden Words I posted.
P.S: After you read this read it again go through the prayer slowly and think more about the words that are put in there.
Thou dost wish for gold and I desire thy freedom from it. Thou thinkest thyself rich in its possession, and I recognize thy wealth in thy sanctity therefrom. By My life! This is My knowledge, and that is thy fancy; how can My way accord with thine?
P.S: After you read this read it again go through the prayer slowly and think more about the words that are put in there.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
She was 92 Years Old
She was 92 Years Old
She is 92 years old, petite, well
poised, and proud. She is fully dressed each morning by eight
o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed, and her makeup perfectly applied, in
spite of the fact she is legally blind.
Today she has moved to a nursing
home. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making this move necessary.
After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, where I
am employed, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered
her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room,
including the eyelet curtains that had been hung on her window.
"I love it," she stated
with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new
puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room...just wait," I said.
Then she spoke these words that I will never forget: "That does not have
anything to do with it," she gently replied. "Happiness is something
you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not, does not depend on
how the furniture is arranged. It is how I arrange my mind. I have already
decided to love it. It is a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I
have a choice. I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with
the parts of my body that no longer work, or I can get
out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do work. Each day is a gift, and
as long as my eyes open, I will focus on the new day and all of the happy
memories I have put away...just for this time in my life. Old age is like a
bank account. You withdraw from what you have already put in."
I believe - that our background and
circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for what
we become.
I believe - that no matter how good
a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must
forgive them for that.
I believe - that just because
someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't
mean they don't love you with all they have.
I believe - that true friendship
continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for true love.
I believe - that it's taking me a
long time to become the person I want to be.
I believe - that you should always
leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I believe - that you can keep going,
long after you think you can't.
I believe - that we are responsible
for what we do, no matter how we feel.
I believe - that either you control
your attitude or it controls you.
I believe - that heroes are the
people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the
I believe - that money is a lousy
way of keeping score.
I believe - that my best friend and
I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
I believe -that sometimes the people
you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the
ones to help you get back up.
I believe -that sometimes when I'm
angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be
I believe -that maturity has more to
do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them
and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I believe - that it isn't always
enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you have to learn to forgive
I believe - that no matter how bad
your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I believe - that just because two
people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other. And just because they
don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I believe - that you shouldn't be so
eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
I believe - that two people can look
at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
I believe - that your life can be
changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
I believe - that even when you think you have no more
to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
I believe - that credentials on the
wall do not make you a decent human being.
I believe - that the people you care
about most in life are taken from you to
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Hidden Words
A few days ago I was saying my prayers and I came across this prayer saying: O SON OF BEING! Busy not thyself with this world, for with fire We test the gold, and with gold We test Our servants.
That prayer really taught me something.
That prayer really taught me something.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Blessing of thorns
The Blessing Of Thorns
Sandra felt as low
as the heels of her shoes as she pushed against a November gust and the florist
shop door. Her life had been easy, like a spring breeze. Then in the fourth
month of her second pregnancy, a minor automobile accident stole her ease.
During this Thanksgiving
week she would have delivered a son.
She grieved over her loss. As if that weren't enough, her husband's
company threatened a transfer. Then her sister, whose annual holiday visit she
coveted, called saying she could not come.
What's worse,
Sandra's friend infuriated her by suggesting her grief was a God-given path to
maturity that would allow her to empathize with others who suffer. "She
has no idea what I'm feeling," thought Sandra with a shudder.
Thankful for what?" she wondered aloud. For a careless driver whose truck
was hardly scratched when he rear- ended her? For an airbag that saved her life but took that of her child?
afternoon, can I help you?"
The shop clerk's
approach startled her.
"I....I need an
arrangement, "stammered Sandra. "For Thanksgiving?
Do you want
beautiful but ordinary, or would you like to challenge the day with a customer
favorite I call the Thanksgiving Special?" asked the shop clerk. "I'm convinced that flowers tell
stories," she continued. Are you looking for something that conveys
'gratitude' this Thanksgiving?
exactly!" Sandra blurted out. "In the last five months,
everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. "
Sandra regretted her outburst, and was surprised when the shop clerk said,
"I have the perfect arrangement for you."
Then the door's
small bell rang, and the shop clerk said, "Hi Barbara...let me get your
order." She politely excused herself and walked toward a small workroom,
then quickly reappeared, carrying an arrangement of greenery, bows, and
long-stemmed thorny roses. Except the
ends of the rose stems were neatly snipped...there were no flowers.
"Want this in a
box?" asked the clerk.
Sandra watched for
the customer's response. Was this a joke? Who would want rose stems with no
flowers!?! She waited for laughter, but neither woman laughed. "Yes,
please," Barbara replied with an appreciative smile.
"You'd think
after three years of getting the special, I wouldn't be so moved by its
significance, but I can feel it right here, all over again," she said as
she gently tapped her chest.
"Uhh," stammered Sandra, "that lady just left
with, uhh... she just left with no flowers!"
"Right...I cut
off the flowers. That's the Special... I call it the Thanksgiving Thorns
"Oh, come on,
you can't tell me someone is willing to pay for that?" exclaimed Sandra.
"Barbara came
into the shop three years ago feeling very much like you feel
today," explained the clerk. "She thought she had very little to be
thankful for. She had lost her father to cancer, the family business was
failing, her son was into drugs, and she was facing major surgery."
"That same year
I had lost my husband, "continued the clerk," and for the first time
in my life, I had to spend the holidays alone. I had no children, no husband,
no family nearby, and too great a debt to allow any travel.
"So what did
you do?" asked Sandra. "I learned to be thankful for thorns,"
answered the clerk quietly. "I've always thanked God for good things in
life and never thought to ask Him why those good things happened to me, but
when bad stuff hit, did I ever ask! It took time for me to learn that dark
times are important.
I always enjoyed the
'flowers' of life, but it took thorns to show me the beauty of God's comfort.
You know, the Bible says that God comforts us when we're afflicted, and from
His consolation we learn to comfort others.
"Sandra sucked
in her breath as she thought about the very thing her friend had tried to tell
her. "I guess the truth is I don't want comfort.
I've lost a baby and I'm angry with God."
Just then someone
else walked in the shop.
Phil!" shouted the clerk to the balding, rotund man.
"My wife sent
me in to get our usual Thanksgiving arrangement ..twelve
thorny, long-stemmed stems!" laughed Phil as the clerk handed him a
tissue-wrapped arrangement from the refrigerator.
"Those are for
your wife?" asked Sandra incredulously. "Do you mind me asking why
she wants something that looks like that?
"No...I'm glad
you asked," Phil replied. "Four years ago my wife and I nearly
divorced. After forty years, we were in a real mess, but with the Lord's grace
and guidance, we slogged through problem after problem. He rescued our marriage. Jenny here (the
clerk) told me she kept a vase of rose stems to remind her of what she learned
from "thorny" times, and that was good enough for me. I took home
some of those stems. My wife and I decided to label each one for a specific
"problem" and give thanks to Him for what that problem taught
As Phil paid the
clerk, he said to Sandra, "I highly recommend the Special!"
"I don't know
if I can be thankful for the thorns in my life." Sandra said to the clerk. "It's all
too... fresh."
the clerk replied carefully, "my experience has shown me that thorns make
roses more precious. We treasure God's providential care more during trouble
than at any other time. Remember, it was a crown of thorns that Jesus wore so
we might know His love. Don't resent the thorns."
Tears rolled down
Sandra's cheeks. For the first time since the accident, she loosened her grip
on resentment. "I'll take those twelve long-stemmed thorns, please,"
she managed to choke out.
"I hoped you
would," said the clerk gently. "I'll have them ready in a
"Thank you.
What do I owe you?" asked Sandra.
said the clerk.
but a promise to allow God to heal your heart. The first year's
arrangement is always on me. "The clerk smiled and handed a card to
"I'll attach
this card to your arrangement, but maybe you'd like to read it first."
It read:
"Dear God, I
have never thanked you for my thorns. I have
you a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my
Teach me the glory of the cross I bear; teach me the
of my thorns. Show me that I have climbed closer to you
the path of pain.
Show me that,
through my tears, the colors of your rainbow look
more brilliant."
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
The Quilt
The Quilt
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.
Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles. An Angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that showed the pattern of our life.
As my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in everyday life. I saw the pain and difficulties that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.
I glanced around me. Not everyone had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, some other quilts were thick tapestries filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly success.
I gazed upon the contrast of my own threadbare life. My angel was sewing these ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.
Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose, each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me, and nodded for me to rise.
My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had earthly achievement. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and
death, false accusations, vain imaginings, idle fancies, the constant battle with
my insistent self. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to be given the strength to pick up and begin again.
I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. Most days were lived with continual pleas for assistance.
And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.
I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. As I looked upon the tapestry before me, light
flooded the many holes, creating an image: the Face of God.
Our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, "Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles. Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you."
May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing the light of
God to shine through.
“Set before thine eyes God's unerring Balance and, as one standing in His
Presence, weigh in that Balance thine actions every day, every moment of thy life. Bring thyself to account ere thou art summoned to a reckoning, on the Day when no man shall have strength to stand for fear of God, the Day when the hearts of the heedless ones shall be made to tremble.”
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p.236
“Behold how the sun shines upon all creation, but only surfaces that are pure
and polished can reflect its glory and light. The darkened soul has no portion of the revelation of the glorious effulgence of reality; and the soil of self, unable to take advantage of that light, does not produce growth.”
The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 148
“O Lord my God! Assist Thy loved ones to be firm in Thy Faith, to walk in Thy ways, to be steadfast in Thy Cause. Give them Thy grace to withstand the onslaught of self and passion, to follow the light of divine guidance.”
Friday, 7 September 2012
The tea cup
The Tea Cup
There was a couple who used to go to England to shop in a beautiful antique
store. This trip was to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both
liked antiques and pottery, and especially tea-cups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they asked
"May we see that? We've never seen a cup quite so beautiful."
As the lady handed it to them and suddenly the tea-cup
spoke, "You don't understand." It said, "I have not always been
a tea-cup. There was a time when I was just a lump of red clay. My master took
me and rolled me pounded and patted me over and over and I yelled out, Don't do that. I don't like it! "Let me alone," but he only smiled,
and gently said; "Not yet!!"
"Then, WHAM! I was placed on a spinning wheel and
suddenly I was spun around and around and around. 'Stop it !
I'm getting so dizzy! I'm going to be sick!' I screamed. But the master only
nodded and said, quietly; 'Not yet.' He spun me and poked and prodded and bent
me out of shape to suit himself and then......
Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled and knocked and pounded at the door.
" Help! Get me out of here!" I could see him
through the opening and I could read his lips as he shook his head from side to
side, 'Not yet'.
"When I thought I couldn't bear it another minute, the
door opened. He carefully took me out and put me on the shelf, and I began to
cool. Oh, that felt so good! "Ah, this is much better," I
But, after I cooled he picked me up and he brushed and
painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. 'Oh, please;
Stop it, Stop it!!' I cried. He only shook his head
and said. 'Not yet!'
Then suddenly he put me back in to the oven. Only it was not
like the first one. This was twice as hot and I just knew I would suffocate. I
begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. I was convinced I would never make it.
I was ready to give up. Just then the door opened and he took me out and again
placed me on the shelf, where I cooled and waited ------- and waited, wondering
_What's he going to do to me next?_
An hour later he handed me a mirror and said 'Look at yourself.' And I did.
I said, 'That's not me; that couldn't be me. It's beautiful.
I'm beautiful!"'
Quietly he spoke: "I want you to remember, then,' he
said, 'I know it hurt to be rolled and pounded and patted, but had I just left
you alone, you'd have dried up.
I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if
I had stopped, you would have crumbled.
I know it hurt and it was hot and disagreeable in the oven,
but if I hadn't put you there, you would have cracked.
I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all
over, but if I hadn't done that, you never would have hardened. You would not
have had any color in your life. If I hadn't put you back in that second oven,
you wouldn't have survived for long because the hardness would not have held.
Now you are a finished product. Now you are what I had in
mind when I first began with
The moral of this story is this:
God knows what He's doing [for each of us
]. He is the potter, and we are His clay. He will mould us and make us,
and expose us to just enough pressures of just the right kinds that we may be
made into a flawless piece of work to fulfill His good, pleasing and perfect
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